O Portal Brasileiro de Inu Yasha

Um dos 3 grandes cancelado?

10/02/2010 12:07

Spoiler: translation of pandaaqueen's post
KHR will transfer to the monthly Jump SQ.
And that in this year one of the big 3 maybe cancelled

Honestly i don't think its true, since it states that one of the big 3 may get cancelled.
Maybe its just that KHR has gotten quite famous that someone would pull off such a rumour. Though if its true....



Essa noticia saiu junto com o spoiler de reborn da semana no BA, então tem grandes chances de ser verdade, querem poupar reborn, porque algum dos 3 grandes vai ser cancelado esse ano...

Agradecimento ao Bruney, da Bleach Project.
E ai, qual vocês acham que vai ser cancelado?
Naruto? Bleach? One Piece?

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